Lately I have been busy with knitting some your yarn my needles. This is when someone sends me their yarn, and I knit it up for them! I love doing these custom slots because you never know what you're going to knit. It's a ton of fun!!
Here is one I have done. These took me a LONG time to do, because the inseam is 16.5 inches! The biggest inseam I usually do is around 12-13 inches, which is about a 18-24 month size, sometimes a little bit bigger. But I have got two requests from the lovely Sinthea to knit her adorable little son a size 4T. So here is the second pair I knit for her!
I have also knit this adorable pair of longies with incredible Mosaic Moon Targhee wool. This wool is dyed in the Synchronicity colorway and is just to die for! These were knit for Amber for her sweet little daughter Ava in the fall. I can't wait to get action shots of them on her!

Here are two more pairs I knit. These were so much fun, because they are newborn sized and just so tiny and adorable! These two pairs are for Delayna, a woman who is due the same month as me. She is just as sweet as can be and will be having her first boy! The girly pink ones were gifted to her sister after she found out that she's having a boy. :)

As for what's going on with us.. We've been busy spending time with family. We took a trip down to Alton Bay, NH to visit my uncle, who was up from Guatemala (where they serve as missionaries) with his wife and their 6 kids. We spent a lot of time at the beach and even went down to the pier where Alton was having a craft fair.
It was so much fun!
The Saturday we arrived there was my 22nd birthday! Wow, am I old or what? 3 days after my birthday is my sister's birthday, so I baked her a cake and brought that with us so we could celebrate with her since she had to work on her birthday. I will be posting the recipe for the cake in one of my upcoming entries, since I am sure a lot of people will wonder how I made it!
I decided to make this cake for her because
she's a funky, hippie type gal and I knew she'd love it!
Here is Nouvelle watching Daddy somersalt/flip down
the hill behind Uncle Brian's cottage in Alton Bay. :)
the newest addition to our family and the first dual citizen
of Guatemala/America in our family, our cousin, Micah Nathaniel.
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