Wow, my last post was in May 2010. That is crazy! So much has happened since then. We welcomed a new baby on June 27th, 2011! I still hadn't posted Milo's (our first home birth) birth story and here I am needing to post another!!
I hope to get back to the swing of blogging soon, since we're starting our school year and having lots of fun!
So I will leave you with a picture of some yummy peppers we bought at our local Farmer's Market. Who doesn't love a yummy colored pepper? I surely didn't know purple ones existed. But they do..and they're delicious!!
And how about a picture of our squishy 8 week old sweetheart, Emris?
And my sweet hubby surprised me with some beautiful flowers one night when he went out to get us dinner. :)
I'll be posting again soon!!
I love yummy peppers from the Farmers Market. And I love your squishy beebee! Oh, and I LOVE YOU! Heheh.